Michigan American Legion Scholarships
The Michigan American Legion offers a variety of different scholarships that you may wish to explore. They can help you to get money put aside for college and that is very important. They offer a variety of scholarships and the organization is well known for serving the community in a variety of ways. The members are all current or previous members of some branch of the United States military.
The Michigan American Legion Baseball Program
If you love the game of baseball, and you are good at it, you may able to get money for your team to travel to play in various leagues. The amount of the Michigan American Legion scholarship depends on entry costs and the league. It also depends on the number of applications. All of the applications must be received by May 15th along with proof of insurance for the team. The Michigan American Legion also offers detailed information to help these baseball teams successfully secure sponsors.
Boys State
One of the great Michigan American Legion Scholarships involves helping to shape the leaders of tomorrow. Boys State is an event held annually in Michigan that gives boys the opportunity to learn about the government, promote leadership, and to also learn valuable skills in the areas of communication and management. The deadline for applications is December 1st.
The American Legion scholarship includes transportation to the event, food, lodging at the dorms, and all of the events. For 2012, the event is scheduled for June 17th to June 23. It took place at Northwood University in Midland, Michigan.
Michigan American Legion Brewer Scholarship
The Brewer Scholarship is offered in the amount of $500 to students that are the child or grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must also be a residence of Michigan, have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrate financial need, and show that they have excellent academic and community intentions. Applicants are due by January 16th.
Michigan American Legion Oratorical Scholarship
The oratorical scholarship program is essay based and the applicants have to verbally present them. The amount of Legion Michigan scholarships offered can range from $800 to $1500. Those that progress to the National level will be eligible for up to $15,000 in scholarships. All runners up will receive $200. All contestants must register by January 2nd. Then they will be given dates and times of their contributions to be demonstrated at district and zone levels.
National American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year
Eagle Scouts may qualify for one of the Michigan American Legion Scholarships such as this one. This is a National scholarship and the winner will receive $10,000 for college. There are also three scholarships given in the amount of $2,500. Applicants need to apply while they are still in high school. They must be planning to attend and accredited college program.
The total amount of the scholarship must be used within 4 years of college or any remaining funds will be given back to the organization. The funds can be dispersed to the college each semester during the course of the educational program. Applications are due by March 1st.
Michigan American Legion Wilson Scholarship
This scholarship is open to any high school student in Michigan that also plans to attend an accredited college program in the state of Michigan upon graduation. The amount of the Michigan scholarship offered is $500. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrate financial need, and be the child or grandchild of a veteran. Students also need to demonstrate a willingness to complete their college education and community involvement. Applications are due by January 16th.
MI American Legion Scholarship – Youth Career Law Enforcement Program
This Michigan American Legion Scholarships offers amounts from $500 to $1,000 for those interested in the Michigan State Police Training Academy in Lansing, Michigan. This program offers hands on learning for those that may feel that this is a good career option for them. They get to learn information before they decide to apply to the academy or not. Applicants can be either gender between the ages of 16 and 18 that are also in good overall physical condition.